If you are looking for the most complete and most up to date FlightGear package, this is the one you want. This package includes:
- FlightGear 2020.3 program installer for both Mac OSX and Windows platforms.
- The entire 2020.3 aircraft collection (500+ aircraft.)
- The v2.0.1 world scenery with many updates. The v2.0.1 world scenery includes detailed airports and taxiways for many many airports across the world. It incorporates all the major Open Street Map roads and highways across the world. And it includes much more detailed land cover data for Europe, and much more detailed terrain for the entire world.
- Complete 2020.3 source code.
- All of this is delivered on a high quality USB 3.0 Sandisk 128Gb thumb drive.
Leon –
Great!!! Amazing job dev…